Top of the Year
A few bits and pieces of news and progress for the top of the year.

I started writing a round-up of my 2024 a couple of weeks ago, but abandoned it because even I wasn't finding it interesting.
I've been immersed in a new movie script for a few weeks now, and that is likely to fill up a lot of January, and there are also some work pitches to prepare and a TV pilot script to get under way. I'm shying away from TV at the moment, but this particular project is burning a hole in my brain.
At the same time, I'm finally trying to get to grips with my Voyager keyboard, which has physically slowed down my typing while my brain remaps itself.
I want to go a little more analogue this year, with the help of a new notebook from the extraordinary William Hannah. I'm setting this thing up fairly organically and hoping that I can design some kind of system for it that does what I need it to do, and lets me untether myself from a computer a little more. The pages of these notebooks are removable, so I've also pressed the Baby Hermes typewriter back into service, so the book so far is a pleasing mix of my inky scrawl and old-fashioned print. Ideas flow better through analogue systems.
I have a bunch of ideas for Development Hell pieces, which may need to wait until the typing speed has increased. Ditto the last two installments of Saltmarsh on the Pleasant Green blog.
In other Pleasant Green news, I'm putting together a crowdfunding campaign for a Lovecraft Investigations mini-series that is going to be an experiment in presenting non-fiction within a fictional framework. "The Lovecraft Investigations presents Crowley" will be a multi-episode factual account of Aleister Crowley's life and work, presented by Kennedy and Heawood, with special guests. I'm looking to get that underway as soon as possible.
There's also a novel in progress. This isn't a Pleasant Green thing, but it seemed about time I attempted something longer form.
So that lot should occupy the first few months of 2025. I'm hoping I'll be too busy to even notice the Inauguration going by.