Audio Temporal available now... Morning all. A quick note to remind everyone that our new audio sci-fi show, Temporal, is available as of today from Audible. I'm going to write more about how this all came to be very soon. The short version is that this is an epic sci-fi/time-travel adventure,
Stuff A new App Stack - July 2024 The first half of this year has been pretty busy with writing projects, and the meat of my procrastination has involved venturing down the usual rabbit holes of new productivity and notes apps. Now that I’m slowly coming up for air, it becomes apparent that I have pretty much
Audio Announcing Temporal As you may have seen elsewhere, our new audio series TEMPORAL is set for release on August 1st. I'm going to write more about how this came to be sometime soon, but this is the first show that my company Storypunk has produced. We financed it independently, produced
Stuff On Paper It’s increasingly rare that I get excited about apps nowadays - it just seems like the more you play with a new toy, the more shortcomings you find. This is especially true with the current iterate-as-you-go methodology, which sees apps released to the public before they are really ready.
Morning Pages 2024-07-06 So that was a week - we recorded the entirety of Season 3 of Aldrich Kemp from Monday to Thursday, and then got a shiny new government on Friday. Not a bad week's work. The recording went incredibly well, and every single member of the cast was on
Morning Pages 2024-06-24 Have been hopping between apps like mad these past few weeks, as one and then another added new features or offered major updates. i've found lots to like, as well as lots of cases where an app WILL be good but hasn't got there yet. But
Morning Pages 2024-06-19 I have, for some time, being wanging on about the amazing Tana app. Now that Tana Core has been released, I have a handful of invites to distribute. These offer Tana at the initial pricing, which is cheaper than it will be when it goes public, and I believe there
Morning Pages 2024-06-11 Glancing through MyMind this morning, I surfaced this piece: How to Stop Having All Your Digital Information Scattered All Over the Place, which seemed unusually pertinent. I am struggling with too many PKM options at the moment. Each time I think I've found the sweet spot, some app
Morning Pages 2024-06-10 I’m writing this in Scrintal, as a way to kick the tyres on an app that I have not really paid too much attention to up until now. A few pieces I’ve read recently by Ece Kural, the creator, most recently this one, indicate that there are some
Morning Pages 2024-05-14 Have been diving into Heptabase over the last week or so, and so far it seems to leave most other PKM/notes apps in the dust. From an aesthetic/semantic point of view, I like that entries are cards and not documents. The actual difference is non-existent, but the idea
Morning Pages 2024-05-08 Often the images I choose for my daily note are minimalist; empty pages, blank canvases. I like these as a reminder that everything is possible, nothing has been written yet. It's easy to get caught in tram-lines when you're writing a script. Possibilities narrow and you
Morning Pages 2024-05-07 Tempted to start thinking about a trip to Amsterdam sometime soon, this notion partly prompted by an article on my favourite hotel there: This Amsterdam hotel suite pays homage to the city’s floral heritage - The Spaces On deck today: Delivery of a pilot script to Amazon, starting a
Morning Pages 2024-04-26 It's FRIDAY! Recently, I have started earmarking Fridays as the time to work on my own stuff, so it is no longer (deadlines permitting) a work-for-hire day. We always have a company meet on Friday afternoons, so that takes a chunk of the day. But outside of that,
Morning Pages 2024-04-25 First day back using Cal Newport's Time Block Planner in a while, but my digital planning systems have fallen down, due to some kind of glitch between Notion and Akiflow, which is being looked into by the Akiflow guys right now. In the meantime, I'm enjoying
Morning Pages 2024-04-23 Finished Chapter Two of the third Aldrich Kemp series yesterday. Starting Chapter 3 today. Devoting much of today to planning - I have several scripts on the go, but they all need to go on pause while I dive into Plottr and move the structure around to make sense of
Morning Pages 2024-04-22 To try to become happy is to try to build a machine with no other specifications than it shall run noiselessly - J. Robert Oppenheimer Spent some time last night reading Elizabeth Butler, MD, PhD | Productivity and personal knowledge management, which has a lot of interesting stuff within it. I&
Morning Pages 2024-04-21 This daily note is being created in Capacities, which has had some updates recently and seems worth keeping on top of. Capacities is terrific for world-building, but I've often struggle with it as a more universal notes app. The Capacities team seem to working hard to get the
Morning Pages 2024-04-19 Through pride we are ever deceiving ourselves. But deep down below the surface of the average conscience a still, small voice says to us, something is out of tune. Carl Jung Off to be interviewed this morning for the Beyond The Vale podcast. Those interviews are always fun, but usually
Morning Pages 2024-04-18 If only we'd stop trying to be happy we'd have a pretty good time. Edith Wharton Perhaps these daily notes I write to myself in Obsidian could be interesting as posts on Cartoon Gravity? They will at least help to mark our passage around the sun.
Stuff Blot Update I don't know whether it's Blot itself, or Bear, or Dropbox, but SOMETHING is going badly wrong with the Blot feed; duplicate posts, tags appearing, images all over the shop. It's probably an easy fix but, given that I have no real use case