Cartoon Gravity round-up, February 2024
A round-up of the month on Cartoon Gravity.

Now that I'm no longer routinely mailing pieces out, I'm aware that not everyone is seeing everything. Not that you necessarily want to see everything. But it seems like a monthly e-mail round-up might be a nice idea...?
I'll throw the collection of links in at the end but first, by way of explaining why this is a short read, I bought a Voyager Keyboard this week and BOY does it take some getting used to. You can read my initial impressions here:

It might seem foolhardy to mess with the basics, like a keyboard setup, whilst battling three separate deadlines, but I think throwing yourself in at the deep end is the best way to learn most things. And it's a good route to that sweet, sweet neuroplasticity.
As you'll have gathered from the image at the top, the third season of Aldrich Kemp is now underway (being typed VERY slowly). Right now, it's called "Aldrich Kemp and the Rose of Pamir", but that might change along the way. This is, I hope, going to be a rollicking adventure featuring cat-burglars, secret maps, Nazis, underwater treasure and the requisite amount of tea and violence. We'll be recording in the summer and you'll be hearing it towards the end of the year.
I'm writing this from inside the Capacities app, which I have fallen back in love with. You should check it out if you haven't already (I think it now spanks Tana and Obsidian). More here:

Related to that, but before it, I also had A REALISATION about note-taking apps.
And I had some brief thoughts on the idea of not giving everything one hundred percent effort:
This newsletter certainly doesn't feel like it's getting a hundred percent effort, but that's because you can't see how many mistakes I'm making trying to type it. I need to go and shakes my hands vigorously. Before I go, here is my pick of the month's the links:

And, to finish, a really mind-blowing video from my new favourite YouTube account:
As always, you can find more on the site, and I REALLY recommend setting yourself up with an RSS reader, not just for Cartoon Gravity, but to get the most out of the internet in general.
Be seeing you.