Morning Pages Thursday Links A light smattering of interesting tidbits to get the creative juices flowing on a cold Thursday morning.
Audio Beyond the Vale interview Just before Christmas, I did an interview with Paul at the excellent Beyond the Vale, talking all things Lovecraft and Aldrich Kemp. You can listen to that here:
Newsletter Cartoon Gravity 15 - The Pleasant Green Universe Some tools I use to keep the universe from falling apart.
Newsletter Cartoon Gravity 14 - The game for 2023. Getting into production is a bit like a poker game, if you torture the analogy enough.
Newsletter Cartoon Gravity 12 Mastodon, a couple of good movies, wedclipping with Notion, and a handful of good reads.
Newsletter Cartoon Gravity 11 Some fun stuff, and then some not-fun stuff about productivity, for the nerds. I urge you to bail at the halfway point.
Morning Pages Morning Pages Mindy Kaling plavs Velma! Routine, Evernote, MyMind and a host of excellent links.
Morning Pages Morning Pages Scrintal, Walling and the apps I'm using most. With a special shout out to Typora.