Newsletter Cartoon Gravity 20 News on Lovecraft Investigations; some new Pleasant Green content; Tana and ontological note apps.
Stuff Tuesday 30 May 2023 Racing to the end of the fourth season of Lovecraft Investigations now. Just starting the last episode script, and there seems to be an impossible amount of threads to tie up in a very short space of time. Don't expect much from me over the next few days.
Movies Behind the scenes... In lieu of writing anything worthwhile, a smattering of behind-the-scenes movie documentaries.
Stuff Thursday 04 May 2023 A possible change of direction, some Lovecraft, sunken lanes and secret passages.
Newsletter Pleasant Green website now live Excuse two e-mails in two days (what is this, Substack?!), but I thought it might be of passing interest to some of you that there is now a Pleasant Green website. This is an experiment in fiction, as well as an opportunity to expand the Pleasant Green universe into a
Audio New Aldrich Kemp trailer With a week to go until the new series, the trailer for WHO KILLED ALDRICH KEMP? just dropped. Check it out at
Inspiration Tuesday Stuff Modesty Blaise on Kindle, Lovecraft Investigations, Aldrich Kemp, Da Vinci's flat for sale...
Inspiration Wednesday Inspiration A host of links to prompt something (anything!) on a snowy Wednesday morning.
Newsletter Cartoon Gravity 17 Substack, Who Killed Aldrich Kemp? release date, Lovecraft bulletins, interesting links.