Morning Pages 2024-04-21 This daily note is being created in Capacities, which has had some updates recently and seems worth keeping on top of. Capacities is terrific for world-building, but I've often struggle with it as a more universal notes app. The Capacities team seem to working hard to get the
Morning Pages 2024-04-19 Through pride we are ever deceiving ourselves. But deep down below the surface of the average conscience a still, small voice says to us, something is out of tune. Carl Jung Off to be interviewed this morning for the Beyond The Vale podcast. Those interviews are always fun, but usually
Morning Pages 2024-04-18 If only we'd stop trying to be happy we'd have a pretty good time. Edith Wharton Perhaps these daily notes I write to myself in Obsidian could be interesting as posts on Cartoon Gravity? They will at least help to mark our passage around the sun.
Stuff Blot Update I don't know whether it's Blot itself, or Bear, or Dropbox, but SOMETHING is going badly wrong with the Blot feed; duplicate posts, tags appearing, images all over the shop. It's probably an easy fix but, given that I have no real use case
Inspiration Well done, humans Sometimes, just sometimes, it's possible to set aside all the terrible things that are happening in the world and just take a few minutes to marvel at what human beings are capable of. Here are three of those minutes:
Inspiration John McPhee - Editors and Publisher I'm currently nursing a small obsession with John McPhee, a non-fiction writer of countless books and longread magazine pieces. His "Draft No.4" is one of the best books on writing I've ever read. It's a collection of New Yorker pieces, of
Stuff The Voyager keyboard This is going to be the slowest entry I have ever typed on here. Yesterday I took delivery of a Voyager keyboard, which is an insane piece of kit, and am now embarking on the very steep curve of learning to type on it. The keyboard comes with a comprehensive
Stuff Wednesday Links I am not always finding the inspiration to post here every day, but I'm hopefully warming up to it. The least I can do is throw some interesting links your way. I discovered EPIC SPACEMAN recently. This video is amazing: And a few articles that are really worth
Stuff A realisation... As I plunge into yet another notes app (UpNote this time, which is excellent), I am hit with the sudden realisation that this is the purest of pure procrastination. When I have an idea that actually needs to be noted down, I will grab whatever is to hand - a
Movies Some trailers... There's nothing like anticipating a movie, only to discover that it was terrible. In that spirit, here are a few trailers I've been watching for what look like big fun movies (probably not Oscar winners), but which may well turn out to be awful... And then
Stuff Currently reading... I'm midway through "The Fraud" by Zadie Smith, which is brilliant. This is the first time I've read a Zadie Smith novel, and the level of craft is insane - it's an intricate puzzle made up of tiny pieces, each of which
Stuff Monday links Beatles photographs by Paul McCartney; a BRILLIANT piece on San Francisco by Rebecca Solnit; a superyacht that turns into a submarine...